General Practice
Westside Medical Centre aims to provide the highest quality medical care and the full range of primary health care services to its patients. Available medical services include:
- Family Planning
- Antenatal Care
- Cervical Screening Tests (formerly Pap Smears)
- ECGs
- Venous Doppler Studies
- Healthy Kids Checks
- Vaccinations/Immunisations (children/adult/travel)
- Skin Checks
- Minor surgery for removal of moles & skin cancers
- Cryotherapy
- INRs
- Diabetes, Asthma & management of all other chronic diseases
- Medicals (licence, insurance, work)
- Health Assessments
- Mental Health consults
- Venesection
- Dressings
- Spirometry
- Mirena IUD Insertion
- Iron Injections / Infusions